20-20 oct. 2023 Lyon (France)


We are delighted to announce the Aurastem annual meeting that will be held on October 20, 2023 at the Lyon Medical School - Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Amphitheater 4 Laennec - La Buire from 10h00

This meeting is organized by the Aurastem association and aims at gathering stem cell researchers from the « Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes » (https://aurastem.eu/). 

This meeting will allow research teams to present their projects and their most recent results. The general assembly of the association will be held on this occasion.


We have invited two keynote speakers: 

Marlen Knobloch (UNIL, Lausanne) will talk about the Metabolic regulation of Neural Stem Cells

Céline Delloye-Bourgeois (UCBL1, Lyon) will talk about Neuroblastoma Metastasis.


Plenty of slots for oral presentations are scheduled, and there will be a poster session.

See you all in Lyon! 

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